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الرئيسية / English / The Patriarchate’s statement about the attack on the house of a Christian in the city of Al-Amarah

The Patriarchate’s statement about the attack on the house of a Christian in the city of Al-Amarah

The Patriarchate’s statement about the attack on the house of a Christian in the city of Al-Amarah

His Eminence Cardinal Louis Raphael Sako

With sadness and pain, we learned of the attack on the home of a Christian affiliated with our church in the city of Al-Amarah, with two explosive devices. We thank God for the safety of the residents of the house, but the attack created terror in the family and the Christians, who have suffered greatly since 2003 until today.

The number of Christians in Iraq used to exceed one and a half million, while today has been shrunk to less than 500,000 only.  We wonder, who cared about us and our suffering, as we are citizens among the people of this country.

The owner of this house has owned a liquor store for years, and it seems that he received many threats.  It is clear that it is ostensibly related to the sale of liquor, despite the person having an official license.

We as a Church are not in favor of “selling liquor”, but this is personal freedom and livelihood for people?  What do these “radicals” do to those who trade drugs secretly without a permit?  As well as those who have brothels (house of prostitution)? Thus destroy the lives of young people.

Can they only harm Christians because they are peaceful and consider them a “weak link”.  This situation really worries us, unfortunately the country has become like a jungle!!

There is the seizure of the property of Christians despite the efforts of some good people, as well as harassment of Christians in their jobs, and the exclusion of their employment despite the existence of a law to compensate them with jobs for Christians who have retired or emigrated.

When a Christian submits an application for employment, he is asked to “bribe” ten thousand dollars or more? 

What do I say about our representation in the parliament or in the ministry, what did these winners offer to the Christians?  Nothing.  Because frankly they won non-Christian votes!  It is natural that they serve the party that supported them. 

It’s a wretched and miserable situation!

The words of the officials when we visited them usually states that “we are the indigenous people of this country”, are idle talk, not translated on the ground.

We Christians carry a humanitarian message, a message of love and fraternity, and we would like to work together with our citizens on the human, spiritual, social and national levels, for a better future for our beloved country.

I hope that everyone understands the ongoing suffering of Christians, and that those who remain will not be forced to emigrate. Hence Iraq will lose their competencies and skills.

عن patriarchate

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